I found myself searching for a way to feel better.
I was in my early 20’s and sick. I was sleeping through my days with extreme exhaustion, I was getting colds and flues all the time, my hormones were seriously out of whack and I generally just felt like I wasn’t myself.

A family member talked to me about the healing benefits of an organic plant based diet and so I tried it for a weekend. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt that good. Then I tried my first fresh veggie juice and I was sold. The amount of pure energy surging through my body was unreal. I went on a journey of healing, what started with the physical body and ended up being a healing for my mind and spirit too. My life changed. I left my corporate job. I traveled to California and became a Raw Food Chef, returning to Indianapolis to teach classes and workshops on how to eat healthy and heal the body. Over those six years of teaching, personal cheffing and consulting with clients, I realized our community desperately needed a place to eat that was truly focused on food that helped people FEEL BETTER.
I had just given birth to my son Ezra. Becoming a mom for the first time was the final catalyst to me taking my first steps toward opening a cafe. I wanted to make my community healthier for my son…and for all the children out there.
After a year and a half of planning, jumping hoops, envisioning, raising money and manifesting like crazy, Ezra’s Enlightened Cafe was born.
We now employ 10 people at any given time and serve food 7 days a week (6 during the pandemic). We offer vibrant food and healing beverages at our Wellness Bar. I also teach plant-based cooking classes each month (again, on hold during the pandemic). It’s a place of community, peace, acceptance and high vibe food and energy….an oasis for those wanting to Enlighten their Plates.
Find out more at www.ezrasenlightenedcafe.com
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