Medicine Garden Seeds

I’ve found a secret. A secret to nourishing my family which really isn’t a secret at all. It’s a concept that goes back generations into all of our ancestral lines. The secret is…. layering medicine into every bit of food I make for my family. It feels like a secret or a treasure trove that […]



Gluten-free vegan breakfast bread


harvesting garlic scapes

urban farming

healthy mama herbal infusion


Empowerment comes in many forms.  One thing I know for sure is that understanding and having basic knowledge on how to use the plants around us is incredibly powerful.  It provides Health Freedom.  Understanding the plants around you is EMPOWERMENT. There is a lot in this world we cannot control.  But when we know how […]

featured story


I’ve found a secret. A secret to nourishing my family which really isn’t a secret at all. It’s a concept that goes back generations into all of our ancestral lines. The secret is…. layering medicine into every bit of food I make for my family. It feels like a secret or a treasure trove that […]

Medicine Garden Seeds


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Herbal infusions are very close to my heart. I was introduced to them when I opened a book called “Healing Wise” by Susan Weed. To keep a very long story short, basically I was searching for a way to connect to my inner herbalist and heal myself.

Healthy Mama Herbal Infusion


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Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables tend to lose both vitamins and minerals as they age. Don’t get me wrong, we should still be consuming a large variety of plants in our diet (the more local the better!). But when we add wild foods into our regular routine, we are adding another level of minerals and nutrients that we’re probably missing in our “non-wild” diet.  

Getting Wild with Nettles

Plant-based recipes

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Learn how to make delicious plant-based and gluten-free recipes

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