I’ve been asked a lot lately to share recipes for kids. This seems to be on the mind of so many of you and I understand!
With two small kiddos of my own, I’m constantly looking for new and interesting dishes and snacks for them. I want to make sure they are taking in a variety of minerals and nutrients and that can be challenging when they are only wanting the same 4 things!
I haven’t met a kid yet who doesn’t like french fries or potato wedges. Funny fact – Ezra (my 6 year old) grew up thinking crispy roasted brussel sprouts were chips and french fries were the sweet potato wedges I roasted in the oven. He still to this day LOVES brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes. The moral of the story is, our children live in the world we create for them for the first years of their life.
If we eat vibrant foods, this is their norm and what they will consume and love. If we give them processed foods, we are setting them up to crave foods that keep them from fully thriving.
Ah, I digress. This recipe is so so simple and easy and gives you an alternative to the run of the mill potato fries. I created these out of sheer need to use of Kohlrabi in our fridge that I purchased a few days prior. I had grand plans of making something a bit more in depth but the reality was that week, we were running around navigating summer camps, child care hiccups and lots happening at work and the farm. So I thought, why not try making some fries just like I do with sweet potatoes and white potatoes. The worst that could happen is they would taste terrible. Honestly, I thought for sure they wouldn’t turn out very good. I’m happy to say I was wrong.
These beauties are not only super delicious they won’t spike your blood sugar like a white potato will. Because Kholrabi is a brassica, it’s also got cancer fighting powers. And tons of fiber and bone building minerals like calcium and iron. All really great things for a kiddo (or anyone!) They are obviously in the shape of a circle – you can also cut them in actual french fry sticks too.

So here’s how you make them:
3 Kohlrabi
2 tablespoons olive oil
pinch of sea salt
pinch of black pepper
- Add to your baking sheet in an even layer on parchment paper.
- Bake at 400 for 35-45 minutes. The actual time depends on your oven and temp outside, how thick you cut them etc.
- Serve with your home-made sauce or dip or our favorite way; a shallow dish of olive oil and sea salt.
I know, you need a dip!
This ketchup is an adaptation of a bbq sauce I created for Ezra’s Cafe. It’s so delicious and the sweetness comes from whole organic dates ~ not processed sugar like most ketchups out there. The dips and sauces will get ya! Making your own ensures you control the quality of what your eating.
Here we go:
In your blender add:
2/3 cup soaked sun dried tomatoes (I start with dried and soak in water)
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
2 pitted dates
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 a fresh tomato
1/2 cup water
- Blend until smooth.
- Top with more dried oregano.
- Keep refrigerated and it will last up to 5 days. You can also freeze for later use!
I hope you try these recipes for you and those you love. Sending love from my kitchen to yours!
Gaia Blessings,
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